Motion Graphics

Sharing is a significant attribute of the internet as the experience of content and activities are often enhanced by these characteristics. This interaction has a great reach to all online users, and it also promotes the phenomena of user-generated content. DRM systems are introduced to minimise these frictions and potentially illegal activities of the user. This also gives rise to another controversy while restricting the freedom of use on the user side. The exercises are seen in computer games, on demand video streaming and E-books.


Pictures are subject to a role in collage. A person’s figure or body part is swapped with a different element. The painting known as the Mona Lisa is one of the iconic figures used for derivative works.


Pictures are subject to a role in collage. A person’s figure or body part is swapped with a different element. The painting known as the Mona Lisa is one of the iconic figures used for derivative works.


Sharing is a significant attribute of the internet as the experience of content and activities are often enhanced by these characteristics. This interaction has a great reach to all online users, and it also promotes the phenomena of user-generated content. DRM systems are introduced to minimise these frictions and potentially illegal activities of the user. This also gives rise to another controversy while restricting the freedom of use on the user side. The exercises are seen in computer games, on demand video streaming and E-books.


Videos are popular media on the internet, and a large number of videos are created, shared and reused on a daily basis. Controversy over this type of media remains large as spin offs of films, animations, motion graphics and promotions are produced by other consumers. However, some consider these derivative works as harmless as they help to aid recognition of original work, There are some risks involved with video, such as defamation, profit-loss, and copyright.


Audio is used largely in time-based media such as fan-made film trailers, gameplay videos, independent channels, and soundtracks. This includes voice, sound effect, music, and fragments of music pieces. As modification and joint of other sound elements are carried out, unexpected sound as well as context based on the sound may appear. However, controversy often occurs around its non-licensed use, even though the visual content doesn’t infringe copyright.


Text finds itself adept at adding new context, deconstructing and modifying original context to the content.


Pictures are subject to a role in collage. A person’s figure or body part is swapped with a different element. The painting known as the Mona Lisa is one of the iconic figures used for derivative works.